Anu Kasarabada


I am an archivist for Congress, working with hybrid collections of staff files. I don't have much technological knowledge, but am educating myself on metadata analysis, linked data, etc. (There's something very satisfying about classifying/tagging/otherwise identifying the "aboutness" of an item. Yes, I can be very dorky). I'm also very interested in learning how to deal with email archives.

I think Nicholas Carr is on to something with his "Internet As Distraction" argument - however, 1) the online world isn't going away, it is in fact evolving rapidly and exerting ever greater influence over society and culture, and 2) the Internet and, these days, social media, offer tremendous amounts of good that can off-set the negatives. This is not a zero-sum calculation. As with anything in life, the goal should be to harness the good, minimize the bad, do no harm - and have an awesome time along the way.