Digital Journalism and Digital Humanities, United

As I blogged a few months ago, it has become increasingly clear that digital humanities has a kindred spirit in digital journalism—perhaps a stronger potential relationship than humanities computing and computer science. We have discovered the same needs in terms of tools and infrastructure, and find ourselves engaging the public with similar genres of online writing and communication.

Just some of the products of digital journalism we could discuss or adopt at THATCamp: the 20 open source Knight Apps, which include DocumentCloud; what’s coming out of Mozilla OpenNews; and the developer challenges and tool reviews from Duke’s Reporters’ Lab.

About Dan Cohen

Director, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, and Associate Professor of History at George Mason University. Other things too.

1 thought on “Digital Journalism and Digital Humanities, United

  1. Great idea. In particular the world of data Journalism seems to have a kindred spirit with the increasing desire to do interpretive work with data.

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