tadams – THATCamp CHNM 2012 http://chnm2012.thatcamp.org The Humanities and Technology Camp Sun, 29 Jul 2012 01:05:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 Display JPG2000 Images http://chnm2012.thatcamp.org/06/16/display-jpg2000-images/ Sat, 16 Jun 2012 05:02:37 +0000 http://chnm2012.thatcamp.org/?p=725 Continue reading ]]>

JPG2000 holds the promise of lower storage costs for large collections of scanned documents. It can also minimize the bandwidth requirements for display the image details.

One limitation is that most web browsers do not support this format and thus would require a viewer.  Omeka does a good job of creating thumbnails from JPG2000 images, but you would still want to view the image at the full resolution.

Any suggestions on a good JPG2000 viewer / plugin that is able to handle multiple pages documents.

Show me your data: Institutional Repositories http://chnm2012.thatcamp.org/06/16/show-me-your-data-institutional-repositories/ Sat, 16 Jun 2012 04:43:58 +0000 http://chnm2012.thatcamp.org/?p=715 Continue reading ]]>

There has been some move in research to not just publish papers with the final results but to also release the raw data sets and even software for other researchers to verify the results and further discovery. There are even some futuristic claims that the data sets will be viewed as the ultimate results of research and the actual paper will be a secondary product.

Like to discuss what peoples experiences have been with Institutional Repositories. Has it been to showcase work, preserve for the future or to play an active role in furthering discovery?

If you have created or maintained an IR, what issues did you face, how well accept was the IR by the researchers. Does data set sharing play a role.
