Teaching With Tablets

I propose a session to talk about teaching with iPads, or any other flavor of tablet. (Android, Kindle, etc. All are welcome!)

If you’re using tablets as a teaching tool, come talk about what has worked (and what hasn’t). What are your favorite apps to use in class, and why are they worth my money? How do you use tablets to enable students to collaborate on projects and assignments? We can talk methods and strategies and, of course, do some show and tell.

My not-so-secret motivation: my school recently purchased several classrooms sets of iPads, so I’ll be working with teachers to integrate them into lessons and I’d love to explore ways to get beyond using them as a mobile Google search device.

About carter.alexandra.m

I'm a librarian or an archivist, depending on which day you ask. My job tends to be a little bit of both, and I'm pretty cool with that. My undergraduate background is in English, Italian, and Linguistics, which in the library world has led to a fascination with classification systems and metadata. I blog about library issues occasionally, but lately I'm mostly too busy reading comic books. I'm really good at Bejeweled, mostly average at Agricola, and terrible at all the games on my Wii.

1 thought on “Teaching With Tablets

  1. I’ve been meaning to say this to you every time you’ve mentioned it on twitter but keep forgetting, so: my 11yo’s school has been using iPads across the 5th and 6th grades. Each student has been issued one and they’ve been heavily integrated into the curriculum. They’ve kept a running blog about the program: greenipads.wordpress.com/

    And there was a piece in the Gazette about it recently: www.gazette.net/article/20120613/NEWS/706139579/1042/rockville-private-school-gives-the-ipad-a-classroom-trial&template=gazette

    We can talk about this too, but I wanted to be sure I shared this with you before I forgot again!

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